Sunday, 26 September 2010

4 Tips to Find the Web Host That’s Right For You.

4 Tips to Find the Web Host That’s Right For You. Choosing to make a web site is a very big decision. However, even more important than deciding to make the website itself, is choosing your web host. There are many web hosts out there, and so it is very difficult to find the web host that’s right for you. In order to find the best web host, it is important to find as many options as possible, and have a clear idea of what you want out of your web host. Following these four tips will make your search for a solid web host a lot easier.

1. Use search engines. Search on Google and Yahoo using keywords such as “web host.” Carefully going through the results will give you an accurate idea of the web hosting options available. Some may say that the web hosts ranked the highest are clearly the best, but this is not always true. Taking the time to look at a large number of the results will give you an ample group of web hosts to compare.

2. Know how your site is going to work. This tip may sound confusing, but it is important to know what your goals will be for your web site. If you plan to have a great number of large files hosted on your site, then you want a web host that gives you ample amounts of space. Bandwidth should also be taken into consideration. Is the site a personal site, or a commercial site? If you plan on making money with your website, than a larger investment for more storage space and bandwidth is justifiable. If you are making your site a blog and hosting it with a service such as TypePad, you want a web host that allows domain mapping.

3. Have a price range in mind. Knowing the general amount of money you are willing to spend will save you a great amount of time. If a certain web host is simply too expensive, then you move on to the next one with no issues. Additionally, if you set a specific price range, you can search for the best offer within that price range. Some web hosts may offer more space for $20 than others do for the same price.

4. Finally, make sure that you have web host support based on your needs. If it is your first web site, then you might want a web host that is willing to give advice on building new sites. Some web hosts offer a very “hands on” approach to new users. Other web hosts simply let users do whatever they want and no help is offered.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Korean Movies dan Korean Drama Jadi Percobaan Keyword Niche Market.

Korean Movies dan Korean Drama Jadi Percobaan Keyword Niche Market. Menjadi pemikiran yang tidak ada habisnya sampai terbawa dalam mimpi saya setelah ngebrel (ngobrol maksudnya) dengan Tukang Jual Bakwan mengenai SEO dan keyword. SEO yang masih ada saja misterinya masih saja susah diduga-duga dan dipikir secara logika. Katanya sih begitu. Saya sendiri juga kurang paham soal gimana jiwa si abang SEO itu. Padahal sebagai newbie udah nyoba berbagai trik dan tips SEO untuk pemula. Tapi ya kadang oke kadang juga memble. Hehehe. . . . .

Selain dari SEO, ada yang sangat berpengaruh juga dalam mendatangkan traffik yang besar yaitu bagaimana tips penggunaan keyword yang tepat apalagi keyword yang niche market. Semakin kita bijak memilih keyword dan itu niche market, kesempatan Anda menjaring traffik akan semakin besar juga. Daripada pusing-pusing menguak misteri SEO dan hasil belum tentu maksimal, mending nyoba alternatif cara nembak keyword.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

The Greatest Internet Marketing Strategy Using Google Adsense.

Are you writing articles with the idea of marketing your internet business?

Discover how using the right keywords in articles and having Google Adsense ads on your content site is now one of the most profitable ways of internet advertising.

Are you using this internet marketing strategy?

If not, you may be leaving thousands of dollars of extra profits on the table by not utilizing this strategy.

This is one of the many reasons writing original quality content articles is now the latest marketing buzz.

The two basics that you can combine to really power a successful website. Content and links.

You already know that right?

Are you writing articles and submitting them using such services as SubmitYourArticle?

Many internet marketing pro’s have been writing articles for many years.
They already know the value of original quality content and using keywords will drive targeted traffic to their websites from the search engines such as Google.

So why don’t all internet marketing business owners write and submit articles for their internet marketing strategy?

The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites.

Another reason, is that writing articles reminds us of school research papers, essays and reports that are a deep negative anchor in the subconscious mind.

Did you enjoy writing when you were in school?

If your answer is yes, you have an advantage over the 95% of internet marketing business owners that want to make money online with a work at home opportunity.

Imagine how much opportunity there is for you because of knowing this simple fact.

The other 5% are taking advantage of this internet marketing strategy and internet advertising, by using Google Adsense ads to make money online on the front and backend writing articles.

Why do you think marketing sites want fresh, quality, original keyword rich content?

The website owner can have an article with keywords that relate to their website content. This helps their websites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which in turn, gets more Google Adsense ads to show above, below and or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

Love at first sight?

Yes, men think so...or is it 'lust' at first sight? How can a woman or man 'really' know?

If a woman thinks it is 'love at first sight', she may have found an incredibly 'hot' guy who matches her ideal social persona 'catch'. If this guy actually knows how to be a natural, all women will want him and she will have to fight with others to 'keep him' (I can teach you to be this man).

Otherwise most of them appear to be quite boring because they try to impress her and don't 'get it'. But when dealing with 'love at first sight', yes it might be, but then longer term dynamics start to sink in and kind of spoil it.

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, I mean, beholder.

'Love at first sight' is usually only perceptionally based if not in its entirety. No one can match up ideally to one person's expectation of who they are or who they should be. Once you find out more about them, you're going to be disappointed in what you thought they were. See how selfish we as people really are?!

Eventually you go through the hardships of a 'real' relationship and very very rarely will everything work out perfectly where the people are a real match (at least in our highly developed, opinionated, individualistic cultural society).

You are only throwing your perception or ideals on who you think that person is or should be (I have done this a lot in the past). We want a person to be the ideal match to what WE think they should be. Most often if not all the time, we find out they are not actually what we idealized and then are a little disappointed. A real relationship is going to take a lot of work and a lot more work than two 'simpler' people.

If you can spark attraction shortly after you meet a woman, there is a more realistic chance she will feel deeper emotions for you than her social persona (of what states what she says she wants) and she will often forgive your other misgivings as long as you understand natural attraction.

This is actually very generous of her because now, guys (way) below her level physically actually have a chance. The process of attraction is slightly different for men and women.

Men will often instantly disqualify women for a sexual relationship based on their looks (ahem), while women keep an open mind to see who knows how to make them 'feel' the feelings that they respond to so powerfully physiologically and emotionally. They are interested in a mans character attributes because that are things that can be of interest for the long haul.

These feelings have a biological root which she cannot choose or control. This is why an average looking guy who 'get's it' can have more of a chance than a good looking guy who easily proves himself wrong to her right away.

5 Tips for Online Shopping.

Shopping online has become more and more popular in America as we are all looking to save a little time and money. E-commerce sales are growing at astronomical numbers ranging from 20-25% per year. And according to Forrester Research, 40% of households are using coupons in their web shopping. The huge increases are obvious: the online savings and discounts are impossible to match by traditional stores constrained by the overhead costs of employees, rent, and insurance. By using some of the tips and tricks mentioned below, you’ll be able to take further advantage of a new American pastime: saving with online shopping!

Tip 1: Don’t buy Ebay. We all know online auctions seem like such a great deal, and it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of auction. Thing is, auction sites like Ebay and Ubid have become saturated with buyers AND sellers, so virtually any discount found is quickly sought by re-distributors who then add their own markups to your purchase. The online marketplace has enough people out there that you can end up spending hundreds of extra dollars for the same things found in your local mall! Don’t let your emotions get involved – these are not the right places for the aware shopper.

Tip 2: Never pay retail. Take this scenario: You find something you want to buy, maybe the latest craze or fad such as the Ipod. Should you really pay the price that Apple is offering? No! You can find many deals and coupons for the same purchase just by typing, for example, “ipod coupons” into Google. Spend a little time searching through the top ten to twenty results, you’re sure to find the same product for a significant discount. Sometimes, by filling out a survey or signing up for an email list, you’ll get additional savings and many times you can even get your product for free!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Tips Menemukan Niche Market.

Tips Menemukan Niche Market. Niche market adalah kelompok dalam lingkungan terbatas namun memiliki kebutuhan, fanatisme atau ketertarikan pada bidang yang sama. Niche market dapat diibaratkan memancing ikan dalam kolam kecil namun penuh dengan ikan-ikan yang lapar dan kita memancing dengan umpan yang kita punya.

Mass market, di sisi lain diumpamakan sebuah danau yang luas yang terisi dengan macam-macam ikan, besar dan kecil. Pemancing tentu mengharapkan akan mendapat ikan yang besar namun ia menggunakan umpan yang terbatas dan hanya disukai beberapa ikan saja atau malah tidak ada satu ikan pun yang menyinggahinya. Pesaingnya mungkin ada yang menggunakan perahu dan jaring yang besar sehingga bukan tandingan bagi mereka.

Sebelumnya saya paling favorit makan kentang goreng tapi seberapa saya menyukai kentang goreng tersebut saya tidak menggunakannya sebagai umpan untuk memancing ikan. Dengan demikian kita dapat cara mengetahui niche market yang merupakan pondasi dasar dalam menjalankan bisnis online.

Anda akan sulit menentukan target yang jelas yang bisa jadi sasaran di Mass Marketing. Jika Anda adalah pemula yang ada dalam tahap sekedar mencoba pasar dan mengadu untung atau jika berencana menggunakan Adsense sebagai tujuan mencari keuntungan. Menemukan target di jalur "Mass Market" membutuhkan budget iklan yang besar dan biasanya hanya dilakukan oleh perusahaan besar dan mapan.

Ucapan Selamat Lebaran - Idul Fitri.

10 September 2010 adalah moment berharga bagi umat muslim. Setelah satu bulan penuh seluruh umat muslim menunaikan ibadah puasa, tiba saatnya bagi mereka merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Sejak tadi sore banyak sekali SMS ucapan selamat lebaran idul fitri yang masuk ke inbox saya. Besuk hari H lebaran waktunya hantam makanan. Mantab tenan. Banyak ngemil, banyak makan tips membuat berat badan naik.SMS Lucu   SMS Cinta

Haduh...!!! Jadi nglantur nih gara-gara mikir makanan doang. Nih koleksi saya. SMS Romantis

Hai temansku yg caem, izinkan saya mengucapkan minal aidzin walfaidzin. Maaf kalo ada salah kata dan perbuatan. Ttd. sylvie, temanmu yg lebih caem lagi
jika maaf seterang mentari, biarkan ia terbit di hari nan fitri ini.
Meniti hari menabur khilaf menyongsong fitri menuai maaf Semoga tiada tersisa khilaf  dosa Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum Shiyamana Wa Shiyamakum Selamat Idul Fitri
Stop penyalahgunaan Narkoba sekarang. Mari bangun bangsa kita menjadi bangsa maju. Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin. Selamat berlebaran. Presiden RI & Abu Ja’far

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Search Engine Optimization For Blogs.

Blogging software is really a simple Content Management System (CMS) that easily adds new pages and integrates them into your site's navigational structure and linkage.

Blogs and blog posts are naturally search engine friendly because they are text-rich, link-rich, frequently-updated webpages that use stylesheets or CSS, and have very little extraneous HTML.

Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page. But depending on the blogging service or software you use, the results may look somewhat different.

If you follow some simple rules for search engine optimization, your blog can rank much higher than static website pages in the search engine results pages.

Here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Tips dan Cara Mudah Memilih Keyword Untuk Meningkatkan Traffik.

Tips dan Cara Mudah Memilih Keyword Untuk Meningkatkan Traffik. Keyword atau kata kunci adalah istilah pencarian bahwa orang-orang mengetik kata ke mesin pencari ketika mereka mencari sesuatu di blog/web. Keyword dapat berupa kata-kata tunggal atau beberapa kata yang membentuk sebuah frase. Ini penting untuk mengetahui kata kunci yang digunakan oleh orang-orang yang mencari jenis konten di blog Anda. Keyword itu sendiri biasanya merupakan hal-hal yang terkait dengan sisi situs Anda. Setelah itu, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa Anda menggunakan kata kunci tersebut dengan benar. Mari kita lihat beberapa strategi untuk menemukan dan menggunakan kata kunci dengan efektif.

Ada beberapa alat bantu yang dapat membantu Anda untuk pencarian keyword.Yang paling saya rekomendasikan adalah Adword Keyword Tool dan Google Trends yang merupakan tool dari Mbah Google sendiri. Disini Anda dapat memasukkan keyword yang sesuai dengan situs Anda kemudian Anda akan mendapat hasil statistik seperti jumlah pencarian secara global, jumlah pencarian per negara/lkal, grafik statistik dan sebagainya. Intinya disini adalah carilah keyword yang kompetitornya lebih rendah namun memiliki pencarian per bulan yang lebih besar.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Tips Optimalisasi Mesin Pencari Dengan Title dan URL.

Tips Optimalisasi Mesin Pencari Dengan Title dan URL. Bukan hanya meta tag yang merupakan bagian penting optimalisasi blog/web ke mesin pencari. Judul situs dan URL-nya juga menjadi salah satu bagian yang penting. Keduanya baik judul utau URL situs akan tampilan sebagai hasil pencarian keyword.

Jika blog/web Anda membahas tentang buku komputer maka sebaiknya Anda memberikan title buku-komputer.html ketimbang buku.html. Hal itu akan memberikan hasil pencarian yang lebih meluas terutama bagi pencari "buku" dan "komputer".

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Cara Membuat Link Tag Nama Teman Pada Status Facebook | Tutorial Facebook.

Cara Membuat Link Tag Nama Teman Pada Status Facebook | Tutorial Facebook. Setelah berdiam beberapa saat gara-gara bete tingkat tinggi dan hanya membuang waktu buat bisnis internet, aku hanya membuangnya dengan facebook. Bikin status juga bingung. Eh, muncullah ide untuk bikin link tag nama teman pada status facebook. Ide itu muncul tapi aku belum bisa gimana cara membuat link tag-nya. Seperti biasa, hanya googling saja dannnnnnnnnnnnnn dapat juga akhirnya.

Seperti apa sih link tag itu? Mungkin bagi kalian belum begitu paham mengenai ini.